
Sometimes the best thing you can do is just get out of your own head for a while! Neuroscientists tell us that our brains construct a model of how the world works and for the most part we rely on this incomplete model because it’s efficient, lightning fast, and reliable enough to keep us out of trouble—most of the time.
But we have a choice: either rely on a static understanding of the world around us or take time to learn new things and update our working model. The curiosity that drives a lot of our innate creativity often leads to insights, ideas and a new point-of-view.
My intrepid wife Nancy and I have been very fortunate to benefit from travels that are very often the result of professional engagements. We’ve experienced some wonderful places and, even more important, met some wonderful people.
Herein, please find brief stories that document some of the things that have piqued our interest, both personally and professionally. Things we find ourselves thinking about long afterward—things that have altered or expanded that Big Model of Everything we all have in our heads.
Thanks for coming along!