Presentation Topics: Flavor

The Human Tasting Machine: An Introduction To Sensory
Time: one hour plus questions
Sensory Vocabulary: Hands-On
No matter how much one might read about flavors, there’s no substitute for getting your nose right into them. Flavors are complex and there’s a multitude of them, so trying to understand them in wine, beer or food can be a daunting challenge. To become fluent in this specialized language, however, it’s crucial to have actual interactions with them. While the basics of the process and the techniques of tasting are explained here, the majority of this presentation is a carefully curated selection of smell samples. These samples can be selected for a general food and drink vocabulary or specialized towards a particular beverage. They may be “grocery store” samples of fruits, spices and more, or single-chemical spikes added to beverages. These can also be adapted to the experience level of attendees.
Time: one hour is typical, but sessions for professionals may take several hours
As soon as the signals from our separate senses emerge from their primary processing centers in the brain, they begin to intertwine, meaning what we perceive it not always a single sense, but rather a carefully integrated impression incorporating all the senses and influenced by cognitive factors like expectation, context and more. This presentation was originally put together for brewers and beer experts, but the content is adaptable to any gastronomic subject.
Time: one hour plus questions
Time: about two hours, with a lecture followed by a walk-around sampling of pairings
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