Beer Culture Center

The Beer Culture Center at the Chicago Field Museum
Formerly known as the Brewseum, this organization celebrates beer by “…honoring the history around it, the brewers who craft it, the communities that thrive around it, and the culture that is beer today.” We were proud to mount an exhibit of our own making at Chicago’s prestigious Field Museum entitled Chicago: Brewing Up a City, which ran for nearly two years starting in late 2018.
I was involved in the content, did the graphics and even loaned a few items from my collection. This was a big deal. The Field vets these outside exhibits very carefully, and we were thrilled when they asked to extend the show far beyond its original one year run.
I was also involved in the creative content for a collaboration with the famous Pilchuk Glass School in the Seattle area, providing glassblowers with information and images of various historical beer glasses. The results were quite fantastic, with a range from sturdy mugs to impossibly thin tapered pilsners with controlled bubble patterns.
At this point, the Beer Culture Center has been invited to be invited to be a part of the American Pavillion at the upcoming 2025 World’s Fair in Osaka, Japan. Much more to come!

Beer Culture Center Founder and Executive Director Liz Garibay at the Pilchuk School with glassblower Ed Schmidt, who coincidentally I knew when he was a homebrewer in Chicago. Those are his whimsical creations at right.